Master Waitlist

Please note: We reserve the first TWO spots of every litter to be used at our discretion (i.e. breeding, service dogs, etc.). Those getting a priority pick are not listed on the public waitlist.

  1. Miller

  2. Carlin

  3. Dillon

  4. Anguil

  5. Hartzell

  6. Quinlan

  7. Weygandt

  8. Kwak

  9. Cornfield

  10. Beltran / Hennelly

  11. Maier

  12. Harrell / Phillips

  13. DuBeau / Hebal

  14. Chait

  15. Mitchell

  16. Detelich

  17. DiGiacomo

  18. Gonzalez

  19. Rich

  20. Johnson / Greene

  21. Burgoni

Ready to join the list? Apply today!